




10×18 “Book of the Damned”
Be still my heart, it’s DEAN IN A GREY HOODIE!!!

This is probably going to be the only thing that is not going to hurt like hell in this episode. This small piece of Winchester clothing pleasure: Dean wearing a hoodie. Though… now that I think about it, it already gets pretty depressing, because it brings back memories. Memories from 10 years ago, when Dean was dying for the very first time and Sam did everything to save his brother and found a faith healer and considered everything – dark magic included. Noooo, why did I have to remember this? I only meant to post the beauty of Dean in a hoodie why did I have to remember the other stuff??? ;___;

Dean in Faith 1.12


Friendly reminder that before season 10 started they showed a retrospective called A Very Special Supernatural Special (x) where Eric Kripke said that the episode Faith 1.12 is where they learned how important Dean and Sam’s personal lives/relationships were to the over all story. 

I think we are a little bit over reacting 

Ten years and the only time we’ve seen Dean in a hoodie was when he was dying in season 1 or reverted to a teen in season 10. If this show had only been on the air for a couple of years I’d agree that it’s probably nothing, but 10 years is a long time to establish a pattern for wardrobe choices. This is also a show where wardrobe choices are often used as symbolism. We’ve seen countless heroes in plaid. Demon!Dean wore a red button up shirt which we saw again in the last episode where he struggled with visions of black eyes and wanting to give in to the Mark of Cain. Sam wore a yellow tie way back in What is and Never Should Be 2.20 and then again in Pac Man Fever 8.20 because both episodes dealt with djinn. Clothing symbolism is used often in this show. Putting Dean in a hoodie after almost 10 years of not wearing them is an odd choice and we’re not over-reacting by wondering if it’s symbolic. 

Reblogging for additional comment, because I completely agree that clothing choices are just as consciously made as the sets are built.

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